Thursday, 9 January 2014

(Almost) 2 years post op!!

Oh hello there my jaw surgery-ians. SO it's been almost 2 years since my lower jaw surgery, how time flies, eh?! Life is good and to be honest, I mostly forget that I have had jaw surgery until I log into here to update my other blog! 

So how is life? I hear you ask. Life is good! Jaw surgery seemed like such an important/scary/big aspect of life but since getting my braces off life has just taken me away with it. 

My confidence after having my braces off went to a great height and now, I must admit, I have gone from a quite little mouse to a tall, smiley and sometimes a bit over hyperactive and confident young woman. Of course, like every person in the universe I have my down days but I did something I never thought I'd ever do and I said yes to doing some modelling for a friends clothing collection...say whaaaaat, apart from being tall, modelling and I were not made for one another but I had the most fun ever! It was a great treat to be in front of the camera rather than behind it taking the shots. I don't have any of the professional shots yet but here's one of pre-photoshoot...

For anyone wanting to gain confidence, please oh please get someone to take pretty photos of you, it's the most fun! I do photography for fun and it's one of my favourite things when my friends, who do not always see their beauty realise how wonderful they are just from one captured moment. 

Anyway enough of that! I hope you're all well and wonderful and that your jaws are almost happy! 

One more thing before I go, if you'd like to see what I'm up to these days I've started a youtube travel channel and blog called 'aliceonhertravels'. I'll leave the links below, happy new year everyone make 2014 a beautiful and brilliant one.